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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pastor Chris: Prophecy before the presidential election in Nigeria and lies of political jobbers

Ordinarily, it would have been better to ignore the deliberate twisting of Pastor Chris’ prophetic pronouncement during a global programme: “Your Loveworld Praise-a-Thon” some days before the February 25th Presidential and National Assembly elections but for the dubious alteration of the message to suit the baleful rhetoric of the hack writer(s) who obviously are political jobbers.

After thorough due diligence (Fact Checks), it was discovered that the story originated from one source and was shared on the social media pages of a particular political bloc. Among some others, the Facebook and other social media pages of Joe Igbokwe (the Lagos Gutter Commissioner) and Abiodun Owonikoko, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) as he claims, led in this ominous mischief.

How do you explain that Owonikoko (SAN), a Muslim lawyer and counsel to APC Lagos state government who should have known better decided to make himself available for this show of shame? If not that the account was a bunch of lies, how can you explain that a Muslim lawyer was at the forefront of marketing what was allegedly said by a prominent Christian cleric? It’s not only annoying; it is also very provocative, to say the least.

Though there was no by-line to the story for the Senior Advocate to agree to post the piece on his Facebook page as it appeared means he is owning the piece except otherwise explained.

Completely rewriting and changing the entire message as was delivered by Pastor Chris to deceive gullible Nigerians and give the impression that it was their candidate and paymaster that Pastor routed to win the election was not only callous but outright irresponsibility.

If the Senior Advocate and Joe Igbokwe had written their piece as reportage it would have been ignored completely because it would have been a lesser crime but rather they chose to present the piece which they conjured from their wild imagination from the beginning to the end as direct quotes of what Pastor Chris said in the prophecy. Barrister Owonikoko should have known better the dire implications of such a dubious or rather criminal act.

It would be good for Joe Igbokwe and Barrister Owonikoko to let the Nigerian public know where Pastor Chris said what they ascribed to him or was it a private interview granted to the two political jobbers?

 Haba, if una no fear man una no go fear God or Allah as the Barrister was supposed to be a Muslims?

Anyone who has closely followed Pastor Chris long enough would immediately observe that even the construction and use of words as written in the piece are totally out of sync with his delivery style.

How could Pastor Chris have said as quoted in the piece that Apostle Paul was the Boko Haram leader of his time? Can you just imagine this?

As for Igbokwe and the fleet of his “food-is-ready” politicians (both practising and upcoming), there’s nothing to bother oneself as their antecedents in ‘Adult Almajirism’ in Lagos are well known all over the place. Now see how low they’ve sunken!

It was on Day 4 of the recently concluded “Your Loveworld Praise-a-thon with Pastor Chris and Pastor Benny Hinn” that Pastor Chris made a Prophetic declaration against the devil’s candidate emerging next president of Nigeria.

This is the word-for-word transcription of the Pastor’s prophetic declaration during the telecast: “I saw one of the candidates and it was not himself. And by the way, all the candidate’s major candidates of them are people I have great respect for. I like the guys, make no mistakes about that. These are wonderful people who have done a lot for our country, alright. So for each of them, I have very positive thoughts about each one of them.

“But you have to look in the spirit and in the spirit I saw the first one I mentioned yesterday and it was a devil, an evil spirit, a wicked spirit that was wearing his face meaning that he doesn’t even know what he is doing while campaigning and running for president. He’s being used by a wicked spirit of darkness and the spirit was a mocker.

“Today as I was praying the Spirit called him a name and I was surprised because He said the “Jackal” is cut off. I said, Jackal! I thought I knew the meaning of Jackal. I had to go into the dictionary to find what is it; Jackal. I asked why they call him Jackal. What is a jackal? It means a trickster, a swindler and one that operates on the behalf of another for the purpose of deception. That’s one of the candidates!

“If you let the second one in the office you’ll have no country.

“Then in the spirit, I saw the third one, he was afraid he might win now. He was afraid of losing. He didn’t want to lose but he was almost scared of winning. I say Lord what! Then the Lord said: Pray! I said God of heaven gives him wings to fly.

“Listen! Listen! Listen! When it comes to elections, because of the sensitivity of our position because they are all our children spiritually, so I try not to sa…. but if I see something that I have seen I cannot say I didn’t see it. You understand? But the first one because of what it was I won’t mention his name nor will I mention the name of the second. But the third one, his name is in the Bible (shouts from the congregation). Let me finish! Let me finish! Can I finish! So in the spirit….”

He then prayed: “You devil of darkness you’ll not have your candidate become the president of Nigeria. You’ll not! You’ll not! You mocking devil I break your influence, in the name of The Lord Jesus Christ! You’ll not use your candidate to mock this country. I saw him mocking and mocking and then he was ready to persecute Christians. Persecute Christians!  He was going after them from city to city but in the name of the Lord Jesus I cut you off by the Power of the Holy Ghost.”

Pastor Chris’ declaration is in the public domain, So what’s the main purpose of turning upside down his statement that was broadcasted live across the globe if not to create the impression that Pastor Chris has endorsed the paymaster of the hack-writers and cause division among the brethren of the Christian faith?

Whatever the reason, no doubt it’s mischievous at best and at worst devilish as it may have been intended to pitch Pastor Chris not only against some other ministers of the Christian faith but some political blocs. Think of it, is this, not the “mocking and persecution” by one of the candidates Pastor saw in his vision?

Because the sentence of evil acts is not instantly executed (except in some cases), the heart of unregenerate men is only set to do evil, but God is not mocked, as a man soweth, so shall he reap. God bless Nigeria!

Mr Izeze writes from Abuja: iizeze@yahoo.com; 234-8-33043009


The opinions and views expressed in this write-up are entirely that of the Writer(s). They do not reflect the opinions and views of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or any of its employees. The designations employed in this publication and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or its employees concerning the legal status of any country, its authority, area or territory or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Equally, the sketches, images, pictures and videos are obtained from the public domain.

Nigeria is an Enigma. The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of her is undoubtedly God’s endowment to us, her citizens. As a citizen of this lovely nation, I’ve spent decades of my life trying to understand this, Mirage. Hope someday, this Mystery that houses about 250 million blacks will be globally understood, widely accepted, and given the opportunity to play its vital role in the world stage. So, help us God! #NigeriaDeservesBetter #AfricaDeservesBetter

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