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Friday, October 18, 2024

Regina Daniel Ned, Judy Austin Edochie and Mercy Aigbe 

These are all Nigerian Celebrities. The three of them committed the same crime. Their sins are the same. One is much older than the others, one is Judy, a second wife to someone’s husband, while on the other hand is Mercy a second wife to someone’s husband too, and the youngest one Regina is married to literally people’s husband. Judy is a second wife, while Regina is the 6th wife or is 7th, Please correct me if I’m wrong or mistaken there. Sometimes some people will say 7th some will say 6th, Since it’s not really my problem, I ain’t taking cognisant of what position of wife she is. The other one is older than both of them and literally is married to someone’s husband as well. These three ladies are all guilty is the same act, and there are many other celebrities, asides from these celebrities, many other women out there who are also guilty of this act.

But where and what I have a problem is, literally all the Nigerians, the ladies precisely celebrating the other two, Mercy Aigbe and young Regina. Especially the youngest one, Regina, but it puzzles me as they are hating on the other one Judy. Calling her all sorts of unprintable names, throwing tantrums and raining curses on her. Yul Edochie is a celebrity and a millionaire and a politician, Ned Nwoke is a billionaire and a politician, and there goes Mercy Aigbe’s husband, also a millionaire, literally a politician and a businessman. Ned is a politician while Yul is a celebrity and a politician, veteran actor, which makes the three of them public figures. But just as Regina his youngest wife, he’s been celebrated all over and especially by Nigerians. Whereas Judy’s husband is been thrown shades at, a backlash which put him in a bad light.

They are praising Ned for being a billionaire, they are praising the young girl in her early 20s for being a wife of a billionaire. Not minding the fact that she’s not married to her age mate and even got married earlier than a normal young girl age that’s ripe for marriage, and marrying his grandfather, according to the world’s language that year. I see how most ladies are wishing to be like her, they are praising Mercy Aigbe too and the husband, whom technically she snatched from her best friend. Now Judy is the worst of them all and Yul is the worst of them all. Where I’m I driving? Hypocrisy, hypocrisy is the reason why many people can’t face the truth and the reality, they see the other as the worse sinner and see the other as a saint. The same people that were abusing the younger one in 2019 precisely, are the same people singing her praises and wishing and hoping to be like her, married to a grandfather too according to them and be a 6th wife. The same people are still the ones praising Mercy Aigbe, for the same crime that Judy committed and Regina. They married all of them properly, paid their bride prices and perform their marital rites. Judy is legally married to Yul, Regina is legally married to Ned, and Mercy is legally married to her husband. These three people have the same rights in their husband’s houses.

Apparently, Judy and Mercy snatched people’s husbands, technically Mercy’s own is the worst crime cause she took her best friend’s husband. But she’s literally being celebrated, she poses around and flies to any country. Regina is married to people’s husbands technically, as aforementioned. But she’s at liberty to do whatever she likes, apparently, she’s what both old ladies and young ladies are looking up to, they voted for her and can vouch for her. A role model to both young and old ladies, and I’m bewildered as to why the world is like this. Judy can’t even move an inch, anywhere her name is mentioned is a problem, she almost throws stones at her, as well as her husband. They want both the husband and wife to die, they are even praying for their downfall. Mind you, am not against anyone of them and I can’t vouch for any of them. They are adults and can do whatever they all want with their lives, Judy, Regina and Mercy, as well as their husbands.

And I asked, what is really their offence, the world is becoming something else every day. We now live in a world where people are judging people differently for committing the same crime and the same sin. We live around people full of hatred for no reason and resentment. Let’s get our facts right, apparently myself, let me be straight here, these three celebrities and set of people don’t know so many and millions of Nigerians that are hating on some, and celebrating some. They don’t know if they exist, but if millions of Nigerians have the opportunity to see these three celebrities, they will worship them. Even for the fact that they are chasing clouts online with Judy in the name of hate, throwing shades at Judy and hating on her. They also worship their three husbands, especially Yul, if they happen to have the opportunity to meet him, but here online they are chasing clouts with him. Even the bloggers, why are we living a hypocritical life.

We now judge the three differently for involving literally in the same act, whereas behind closed doors we do worst than that. Why hate on one and celebrate the other two, how does it correlate, how does it connect because these people are legally married? The other one is legally married too, they all are married to people’s husbands. How they got these men to fall for them and marry them isn’t your problem, and different ways and reasons their husbands married then shouldn’t be anybody’s life, business or affairs. Jesus said, he who is without sin should cast the first stone, we are doing the same in our closet but we become saints in one person issue. It’s strange how these ones become role models to many and the other is the devil’s daughter and incarnate. The moment we learn to live our own lives and stop snooping around and sniffing on things that aren’t our problems, that doesn’t add anything to our lives positively. Rather it reduces us negatively and will be the best for us. Even the woman that sinned in the bible, Jesus draw her close and protected her.

I am Mirach Amba the best of me and the best of my kind.


The opinions and views expressed in this write-up are entirely that of the Writer(s). They do not reflect the opinions and views of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or any of its employees. The designations employed in this publication and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or its employees concerning the legal status of any country, its authority, area or territory or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Equally, the sketches, images, pictures and videos are gotten from the public domain.

Nigeria is an Enigma. The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of her is undoubtedly God’s endowment to us, her citizens. As a citizen of this lovely nation, I’ve spent decades of my life trying to understand this, Mirage. Hope someday, this Mystery that houses about 250 million blacks will be globally understood, widely accepted, and given the opportunity to play its vital role in the world stage. So, help us God! #NigeriaDeservesBetter #AfricaDeservesBetter

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