27.1 C
Monday, February 24, 2025

A cankerworm in the bread of life

When a so-called pastor abandons the high calling of His office as a soul winner, a teacher of the truth and a follower of Christ, such a person is of all men the most miserable. And if a man berates such an exalted office only to take the place of a jester, conman, an enemy of God’s kingdom, one who will make a nincompoop of himself just to be applauded by mere mortals, then you have a man who has lost his sole aim for a living. After seeing the laughable video by Sunday Adelaja tagged Elijah Challenge on Facebook, I have come to the conclusion that Sunday belongs in Nollywood and perhaps should pursue a career in acting.

Sunday Adelaja is advocating a situation where Pastors E.A. Adeboye, Dr D.K Olukoya and other great ministers of God will come together and test who is serving the living God. What a Joker!!! It’s either Sunday does not know his position as a man or he is living in euphoria because under normal circumstances he is not in the league of these men be it for physical achievements or spiritual position. Sunday… you dare mention the name of Adeboye to come out for a challenge as if that was not enough you went ahead with your reckless effrontery to call the name of Dr Daniel Olukoya? Of the mountain of fire and miracles ministries (MFM) for a challenge of fire ha, it’s often said that the dog that wants to get lost will never hear his master’s whistle. 

I am baffled, however, that Sunday Adelaja does not realize that he’s too little and too inconsequential to get the attention of these men. There was a time when anyone could have cared to listen to what Sunday is saying, there was a time these revered men of God could have paused a second to hear Sunday’s views but not anymore. Those days are gone.

Sunday Adelaja has destroyed his reputation and squandered his goodwill. I don’t expect Dr D. K Olukoya to respond to the rants of a pastor that patronizes sex workers, sleeps with mother and child, and is married and single members of his church. I don’t expect Pastor E.A. Adeboye to take seriously a man who ran his own church to the ground, lost his job and now is resorting to social media rants.

It is obvious that Mr Adelaja is struggling to survive, after losing his church he is now like a drowning man looking for anything to latch onto. The man does not even know the Bible, he is one of those men whom we call cram n quote pastors, you obviously displayed your ignorance when you said a Christian should call on God instead of suing someone in court on civil matters, hahaha very funny my friend of before, the judicial system of the world today is coined from the compendium called the bible, Even deep down to the trio compartment of Government that the world operates with today, Go back to your bible and read very well and come to understand that there are earthly matters that belong to Ceaser and there are heavenly and spiritual matters that belong to God.

Adelaja’s travails are largely self-inflicted. How can a man, a mere mortal work against God’s kingdom? How can a man dedicate his time, knowledge, strength and resources to trying to pull down and tarnish the images of God’s generals and expect that God will do nothing? Sunday Adelaja is already reaping the fruits of his envy and recklessness so there is no need for any Elijah challenge. The most pitiable are those recruits. The likes of Mayowa, Olaiya that has no life probably one of those supported by the remnant of Sunday Adelaja in cash and Kind, the little brat running around mentioning and speaking ill of men whom she could never come close to. When I look at these sets of visionless jobless E-recruits Of Sunday, I just see little scarecrows that have planned their dooms with their own hands.

He makes it seem as though what he is doing is making a lot of impact but in reality, he is deepening his own misery. I used to fear that Mr Adelaja’s message of hate and division was gaining ground and destroying Christendom until I closely monitored his online activities and realized that indeed God is liberating His people despite Adelaja’s efforts. I am encouraged that Mr Adelaja is not capturing as many victims as he would want to, going by the many expressions of utter disappointment by his very own followers. From the comments and feedback he’s getting, Sunday already knows that his cash-out plan of coming to establish a church in Nigeria is at best, dead on arrival. But again, it’s Sunday Adelaja we are talking about here right?

He just might take the chance but certainly, an unpleasant surprise awaits him. His so-called followers and of course, prospective members are already getting tired of his lies and deceitful messages. He has been tagged anti-Christ, sour loser, envious fraudster and so many similar names by his own followers who have now seen him for who he actually is. I predict that Sunday will face his biggest shame soon.

Sunday Adelaja, for your information there shall be no Elijah challenge. But I guess you already know because by status, personality and reputation you fall short of a man who can be taken seriously by the men you are challenging. I think you should focus on your new job of marketing politicians’ second-term bids. It seems like a very lucrative account and I am not judging you for switching from being a pastor to becoming an advocate for politicians. I understand that you must survive and feed your family. I mean what is left for a man who has lost his church, lost his job, lost his purpose in life? Well, just a piece of advice for you, politics is a murkier terrain to navigate and you have already started with your big mouth calling a particular candidate a thief, Sunday is your last chance at survival so don’t mess it up like you ve messed up your pastoral career.

But one thing I would like you to have at the back of your mind is the feat that Dr DK. Olukoya has covered as a deliverance minister and a teacher and the souls that E.A. Adeboye has brought to Christ. You and your e-recruits and your generation unborn will never meet up even in another lifetime. 

For those of you still in doubt of his narcissist and lascivious activities watch this video attached done by one of his former followers that has been touched by God.

By Levi Godsown Ekwe


The opinions and views expressed in this write-up are entirely that of the Writer(s). They do not reflect the opinions and views of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or any of its employees. The designations employed in this publication and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or its employees concerning the legal status of any country, its authority, area or territory or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Equally, the sketches, images, pictures and videos are gotten from the public domain.

Nigeria is an Enigma. The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of her is undoubtedly God’s endowment to us, her citizens. As a citizen of this lovely nation, I’ve spent decades of my life trying to understand this, Mirage. Hope someday, this Mystery that houses about 250 million blacks will be globally understood, widely accepted, and given the opportunity to play its vital role in the world stage. So, help us God! #NigeriaDeservesBetter #AfricaDeservesBetter

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