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Tuesday, March 11, 2025


God hears our prayers of course, but the question is, is He listening? And if He’s not listening, do we care enough to know why? Or do we tell ourselves that God is cool with our ways because He’s forgiven us our past, present and future sins in advance, if this is true, then why is there a plan for the judgement day?

The reason why it’s said that the talker will talk what he likes, and the doer will do what is on his mind, is because the doer is not listening to the talker. When you go to the market you hear the voices of many people but you’re not listening to any. The voice of God speaks to us every day, and we’re hearing Him but we’re not listening to Him. Parents are always talking to their children every day about staying away from trouble, they are hearing but not listening because it’s not what they want to hear.

Hearing the word of God and not obeying is because we’re not listening, in like manner, when you take the life of your fellow human being and was not found out, when you poison your legally married husband to enjoy his money with your lover, when you betray your business partner and cheat him out of his share, when you sleep with your brother’s wife and run away with her, when you lend your friend money and send boys to go and steal it from him, when you kill your father to take over his company, when someone does you good and you pay them with evil, when a country has taken the lives of many innocent people; and their blood are crying out to Him for justice against the people of that country, after you have done things in this manner and prays to God for His blessings, all your prayers will be like the sound of many noises in the market; which God will hear but not listen. Because a heard prayer is like a heard music you didn’t respond to by dancing to it, but a listened prayer is a settled prayer that’s responded to by action in favour of that prayer…

Psalm 39:12 says: “Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; Do not be silent at my tears; For I am a stranger with You, A sojourner like all my fathers.

Psalm 66 says:19 “But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.”

Hearing: Is the process, function, or power of perceiving sound; the special sense by which noises and tones are received as stimuli.

Listening: This is giving attention to a sound or action. When listening, a person hears what others are saying and tries to understand what it means.

The Bible prefers us to listen instead of hearing, that’s why the same Bible complains of only hearers who are not doers of the word because they are not listening, even though it says faith comes by hearing, but if we’re hearing and still faithless, it still means we’re not listening. As hearing and listening are two different things, hearing with our ears means it’s not blocked, but listening with our ears is the main purpose of creating it…

Acts 13:16 says; “Then Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen.”

Luke 10:16 says: “Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.”

Proverbs 25:12 says: “Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise reprover to a listening ear.”

May we listen with our ears that can hear!

Pastor Rita Mosses, King Of Kings Family Assembly, Tel: +2348063350771


The opinions and views expressed in this write-up are entirely that of the Writer(s). They do not reflect the opinions and views of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or any of its employees. The designations employed in this publication and the presentation of materials herein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the Publisher (Nze Ikay’s Blog) or its employees concerning the legal status of any country, its authority, area or territory or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers. Equally, the sketches, images, pictures and videos are gotten from the public domain.

Nigeria is an Enigma. The capacity to gain an accurate and deep understanding of her is undoubtedly God’s endowment to us, her citizens. As a citizen of this lovely nation, I’ve spent decades of my life trying to understand this, Mirage. Hope someday, this Mystery that houses about 250 million blacks will be globally understood, widely accepted, and given the opportunity to play its vital role in the world stage. So, help us God! #NigeriaDeservesBetter #AfricaDeservesBetter

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